
We are happy to assist and advise all inquisitive sailors around the world. No matter whether you want to contact us and ask questions about the frozen products we trade in and out, have concerns about import/export and their handling, or even want to sign on with us. As for all other concerns about our capabilities you can always get in touch with our experienced colleagues here!

If you would like to get a first impression of our range of frozen products from our seafood, fish, meat, fruit, vegetables or herbs departments, please take a look at our products page. We can, thanks to years of experience and our well-established network of trade partners, supply you with almost anything you want – feel free to send us your enquiries.


Purchasing & Sale

Import, Export, Handling

Florian Baumgart

warehouse management

>>+49 40 210 918 5 – 31

Jens Eydeler

dispatcher, fleet manager

>>+49 40 210 918 5 – 33
